VFX Artist

How Can VFX Artist Change Your Raw Videos Into Different World Experience?

You have created an imaginary world based on ancient times with fictional characters and creatures. The surreal world represents the present time with your metaphorical treatment.  You wrote your script and sat with your direction and D.O.P. team to do scene division. You guys have already started shooting, but that shoot is on a green screen and raw product. Now, to make your vision a reality, you need VFX Services. Motion Effects VFX Studio will convert your vision into a different world experience with various Visual Effects techniques.

VFX Artist And Different Kinds Of Visual Effects

Green Screen Remover

This technique removes the green screen from the background. VFX Artists can add new suitable backgrounds according to film requirements. It sets the rhythm of the editing and VFX work. The whole Avenger movie series was mostly shot in a green screen studio, and later you saw the final product.


The technique of merging separate elements is commonly known as Compositing. The editor can merge digitally obtained elements with the clips. So it looks like part of the same scene. This technique is used in movies like Avatar, Gladiator, The Avengers, and many more. For example in Gladiator, computer graphics were created to show the upper galleries of the Roman Colosseum and spectators within it.

Matte Painting

It is a technique of creating a still artistic background and later merging it with live-moving footage. This technique was used in the movie “300” in which the sky background was mostly static, and the characters were in action.

3D Animation

To create fictional characters, creatures, and elements, the VFX Company, Motion Effects creates 3D animation of the required. Viewers get a more realistic feel of these integrations in the scene or movie. Ice Age, Frozen I & II, Wall-E, and How To Train Dragon are made with 3D Animation techniques.

CGI (Computer Generated Imaginary)

It is an image created on the computer with the help VFX team. These images can be static or dynamic depending on the requirement. The Matix Reloaded, King King, and Resident Evil are a few of the many movies, that are CGI-heavy.

Motion Capture & Tracking

This technique tracks a person’s movements or actions and then VFX Studio transforms into 3D animation. This type of work is done mostly for animated movies. The “Tintin” movie was created using motion capture technology.

Video Cleanup

Many times in a movie set, there are many unnecessary elements and sounds captured during the shoot. To improve the quality of the scene, Motion Effects VFX team removes objects, enhances clarity, reduces unwanted noise, adjusts exposure if shot in daylight, color correction, sharpens the video, and adjusts the frame speed according to the requirement of the scene or story.


Movies require 3D models and CGI, But these images or visuals are mostly static. The process of making these static images alive and moving is known as Rotoscoping. A VFX Company with skill and technical knowledge creates the frame-by-frame movement of the models to give them life.

VFX Company For Your Film

Finishing a movie in post-production requires editing, visual effects, animations, color correction, video cleanup, etc. If you want to see your imaginary world on the big screen, the Motion Effects VFX Studio is ready with skill, tools, and technique. You are a few steps away from achieving something new.

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